Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities
TRC is seeking research assistants who are interested in gaining research experience in the health sciences, behavioral sciences and public health. This is a unique opportunity for students to join a multidisciplinary team of faculty and researchers and assist in the development of health-related research and community-engaged research projects.
Undergraduate Research Assitants (UG RAs) will assist with data collection of library research, surveys, structured interviews and focus groups. UG RAs responsibilities include but are not limited to: language translations, survey measure piloting, survey measure preparation (e.g. Qualtrics). RA's will engage with populations through participant recruitment and data collection at campus and community events. UG RA's will assit with data entry, interview and focus group transcribing and data analysis. UG RA's will participate in group presentations of findings at community organizations and/or events.
UG RAs Research Training 
Research assistants recieve extensive research methods training through the Translational Research Center's certification course. RA's receive didactic (e.g. asynchronous online modules, and synchronous interactive online and in-person) research methods training to compliment their academic preparation for their role as research assitants. Upon the TRC certification course, RA's begin lab tasks to further enhance their research skills. Our TRC UG RA program aims to provide RA's with skills and abilities to become competitive professionals and graduate students.
RA's Publication Opportunities
There are various opportunities for UG RAs to publish and present research. Below are a few examples of opportunities to submit UG RA work:
- UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal
- UC Merced Research Week
- Community Events
To be considered for the position, interested individuals should complete the application here, the application period is on a rolling basis. Applications are reviewed as they are completed. Candidates will be selected and contacted for interviews once the reviewing period has ended This position is reopened at the start of each semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). Candidates are encouraged to re-apply at the start of each semester if they remain interested in the position.
If you have any questions about TRC UG Research Assistant positions please contact Patricia Navarro, Laura Sainz Merin, or Micaela Velasco Sandoval.
Contact Us:
Patricia Navarro Laura Sainz Merin Micaela Velasco Sandoval
Junior Specialist Junior Specialist Junior Specialist
Pnavarro4@ucmerced.edu Lsainzmerin@ucmerced.edu Msandoval38@ucmerced.edu